Why Me? Embrace the HSV Journey as a Muslim

Everyone goes through similar thoughts when finding out they have HSV. You start to question, “Why is this happening to me? Why do I specifically have to go through this?” You may feel a sense of unfairness, especially when considering that there are others who may have the virus yet live without any awareness or apparent concern.

Embracing the HSV Challenge

Firstly, Allah tells us directly in the Qu’ran:

“Allah does not burden any soul with more than it can bear.”

Surah Al-Baqarah Ayah 286

Therefore, if Allah knows you will be able to handle this, then why are you giving up on yourself? The Creator knows us better than we know ourselves, yet we often decide that things are over before we have even seen the wisdom behind them.

Allah, in His infinite wisdom, has chosen you for this specific challenge because He knows you possess the unique strength and capacity to overcome it. This particular test is tailored for you, and only you can rise to meet it. Trust in His knowledge of your potential, and embrace the challenge as a sign that you are capable of achieving something significant that no one else could. Remember, your journey is unique, and so are the trials designed for your growth and fulfilment.

Understanding Life’s Fairness

People from all walks of life can be affected by this condition. Some individuals may have contracted it during previous marriages, while others may have been infected as a child by a family member with a cold sore. There are also those who have been impacted by sexual assault. Whatever the case, it seems unfair that it has to be you, especially when there are plenty of people who are asymptomatic and living life ignorantly, while you have to live with the knowledge of this condition.

However, you must understand that Allah wants you to achieve a rank that you haven’t attained through your actions; He is using this struggle as a means to help you reach that rank. Do you think it was meaningless that Allah chose to allow this trial in your life? No, it is actually because Allah wants to elevate your status, seeing that you are deserving of a higher rank than your current deeds alone would achieve. He sees a potential in you that you might not see in yourself, and through this challenge, He is guiding you towards a greater purpose and higher station. This trial is not a sign of neglect but of profound care and a desire for you to attain a special place that you are uniquely capable of reaching through this experience.

“When Allah has previously decreed for a servant a rank which he has not attained by his action, He afflicts him in his body, or his property or his children”

Sunan Abi Dawud 3090

Prophets and Trials

The most beloved to Allah were the prophets, and they faced countless trials and tribulations. Thus, it is essential to understand that facing hardships is not a sign of divine punishment but a testament to Allah’s love and wisdom. The prophets of the past were honored through their struggles, and their trials became a means for them to attain higher ranks and deeper closeness to Allah. Similarly, do not despair that Allah has chosen this struggle for you; it is a mark of His trust in your strength and potential.

Allah is giving you the opportunity to come even closer to Him and build your relationship further with Him.

Our Beloved Prophet (ﷺ) said:

“No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that.”

Sahih al-Bukhari 5641, 5642

Understand that these trials are not a form of neglect but rather a sign of Allah’s deep care for you.

A Message of Hope and Mercy

For those who have made mistakes, just because you’ve sinned, it doesn’t mean you’re beyond redemption or forgiveness. Islam teaches that every soul has the capacity for repentance and that Allah’s mercy is vast and encompassing. The Prophet (ﷺ) mentioned that if no one were to commit sin and seek forgiveness, then Allah would replace us with people who would commit sin and seek forgiveness from Him.

“By Him in Whose Hand is my life, if you were not to commit sin, Allah would sweep you out of existence and He would replace (you by) those people who would commit sin and seek forgiveness from Allah, and He would have pardoned them.”

Sahih Muslim 2749

This hadith illustrates that the act of seeking forgiveness is integral to our relationship with Allah. Sinning is part of the human experience, and seeking forgiveness is a path to spiritual growth and closeness to the Divine. It’s an opportunity to turn back to Allah, to humble ourselves, and to seek His boundless mercy.

Take this as an opportunity to come closer to Allah. No matter how far you feel you have strayed, Allah’s door is always open for those who seek forgiveness. The Prophet (ﷺ) further reassured us of Allah’s eagerness to welcome us back:

“‘I am just as My slave thinks I am, (i.e. I am able to do for him what he thinks I can do for him) and I am with him if He remembers Me. If he remembers Me in himself, I too, remember him in Myself; and if he remembers Me in a group of people, I remember him in a group that is better than they; and if he comes one span nearer to Me, I go one cubit nearer to him; and if he comes one cubit nearer to Me, I go a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.’”

Sahih al-Bukhari 7405

This beautiful Hadith demonstrates the immense love and mercy Allah has for His creation. Every step you take towards seeking forgiveness and striving to better yourself is met with even greater closeness and grace from Allah.

So, do not let past mistakes weigh you down or make you feel unworthy of Allah’s mercy. Use them as a means to cultivate humility and to strengthen your bond with Him. Repentance and seeking forgiveness are not just acts of remorse but opportunities for spiritual renewal and a deeper connection with the Divine. Embrace this path and let your mistakes lead you towards a higher state of faith and nearness to Allah.


The last point I want to leave you with is Allah directly addressing the feelings of hopelessness that often follow sinning, reminding you of His boundless mercy and compassion. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and disheartened by our mistakes, but Allah’s message is clear: we are never beyond His forgiveness.

“O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.”

Surah Az-Zumar Ayah 53

This verse is a profound reminder that no matter how far we may have strayed, Allah’s mercy is always within reach. He explicitly calls out to those who have transgressed, offering hope and reassurance that His forgiveness is all-encompassing. This divine invitation to return to Him should inspire us to never lose hope, no matter the gravity of our sins.

Allah’s mercy is greater than any sin, and His willingness to forgive is a testament to His compassion and love for His creation. When you feel weighed down by guilt or despair, remember this promise of mercy. It is an assurance that no matter how many times we fall, Allah is always ready to forgive and welcome us back with open arms.

Let go of hopelessness and hold onto the hope and mercy that Allah offers to all who seek it.